How to add Blogger sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools?

Adding your Blogger’s sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools is a good way to let the Google know more about pages on your blog. To add sitemap go to Google Webmaster Tools and follow these steps:

  1. On the Dashboard, click the site for which you want to add a Sitemap. If your blog isn't listed, make sure you've added it to your account and verified it.
  2. Click Sitemaps.
  3. Click Add a Sitemap.
  4. Select Add general Sitemap.
  5. In the text box, type either atom.xml or rss.xml. For example, if you add the Atom feed as a Sitemap, the full URL will be

How to add an extra page element?

You can add extra page elements / gadget places easily by modifying the blogger template. To do this go to Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML. Find (Ctrl+F) showaddelement. Change showaddelement='no' to showaddelement='yes'. Change maxwidgets='1' to maxwidgets='2’ or maxwidgets='3’. Save template and now you got extra ‘Add a Gadget’ page elements.

See modified template example below.
