How to send pings to different servers using windows live writer?

Windows live writer has a cool feature of sending pings to various web directories. Whenever you will publish a new post, windows live writer will send ping to your provided list of servers. Hence they would know about your new contents.

To use this feature go to tools menu of windows live writer. Click on options > Ping Servers. Enable this feature  and enter the URLs of ping servers. Following is a list of ping server which i found from a site.

After entering above URLs click on Apply and OK. Its set now to ping. See a screenshot below:

ping servers 

How to find your blog in search engines?

New blogs are indexed automatically by most of search engines. You can try manually submitting your blog to various search engines. See here how to submit blog to search engines.

Be patient because web crawlers take some time to index your site. Sometimes you think your blog is listed in search engines (may be at page number 157 in results) but you can’t find it. To check if your site is listed or not, try typing following in search engines.

  • site:URL of blog
  • cache:URL of blog
  • info:URL of blog
  • related:URL of blog

For example type site: and see all results about your blog in search engine if it is indexed.

How to shorten Blogger URL for free?

To shorten the long Blogger URL, one way is to buy a domain name. It costs about $10/year. The other option is to use a free domain name like .tk and Your blog name would be like or

There is another way to shorten Blogger URL. Some sites offer free redirecting to your blog with a short site name. Below are some of them. Try them and use them. Its free.

and even more shorter

How to check Page Rank of your blog?

Here is a useful site to check your blog’s Page Rank. There is no need to install any toolbar or software or other messy things. Just type your blog’s URL press ‘GO’. You will get following details of your blog or site:
  • Number of Indexed pages (Google, Yahoo, Live)
  • Ranking
  • Backlinks
  • Syndication
  • Social Bookmarks
  • Validations (XHTML, CSS, RSS)
  • Domain
  • Diagnosis
Check Page Rank Now and see what you need more to get famous in bloggers world.

Windows Live Writer

Windows Live Writer is a software for your PC to create and manage your blogs in online and offline mode. Its really cool program for almost all popular blog services. You would find it really helpful specially if you are not good with HTML or coding. Add easily hyperlinks, pictures, photo albums, videos, tables, maps, tags and many more with simple clicks to your blog.

I recommend this program for your blog. To download and installing instructions, go to Windows Live Writer page.


What are new features in Blogger in draft?

According to blogger
We’ve recently added two new features to the post editor on Blogger in draft: autosave and automatic date and time.

Autosave is a feature we’ve had for a while on the old post editor, and it does what you’d expect: automatically save your draft posts when you pause in your typing. We’ve brought the same convenience and safety to the new post editor.

With automatic date and time, your posts will now be timestamped with the date and time that they’re published, not the date and time when you first opened the post editor (as has been the case). You can of course still explicitly set the date and time by opening Post Options and switching to Scheduled at instead. Once a post is published, it will keep its date by default, even if you go back even if you go back to edit the post and re-publish.

— Pete

How to monetize your blog?

Many bloggers want to find ways to generate an income from their blogs.

Advertising is a good way to earn money from your blog.
Have you Google Adsense Account? If not, go and create it. After creating it, wait for Google's response. They will send you a confirmation e-mail. Now you can get money through your blog. From your Blogger Dashboard, go to Layout> Monetize.
You can also sign up with other sites. Put their adds on your blog and get reward. Following is the list of some common advertising programs.
Google Adsense
Amazon Associates
eBay affiliates

If you are a good writer, you deserve donations. Don't be shy. At the bottom or side of your blog, use a line such as "If you like this blog, why not buy me a cup of coffee?" and add a PayPal button.

How to analyze your blog?

You must be interested to the questions like 'how many people visited my blog? what was their location? how they found it? what were their operating systems and browsers? etc etc".
Google Analytics provides all answers to such questions. Use Google Analytics in your blog to get the answers of such questions.
Its easy. Sign up with Google Analytics and add your blog there. They will give you a code and you have to put this code into your blog. To begin using Analytics to track visitors to your blog, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Blogger account.
2. Select the blog you'd like to track, then click 'Settings' from the Manage options.
3. Edit your template
    * Classic Template Users select the "Template" tab.
    * Layouts Users select the "Layout" tab.
4. Select the 'Edit HTML' tab.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the code.
6. Find the '</body>' tag, which usually appears towards the end of the code in the template.
7. Paste the Analytics tracking code just above the </body> tag.
8. Click 'Save Template.'
9. Click 'Republish' to update your live site.

You have to wait for 24 hours to see results about your blog.

Submit your blog to search engines

There are several ways to give your blog a traffic boost.
One of them is to submit your blog's URL to most popular search engines. Check if your blog is not already submitted then submit it. People will find you blog eventually by searching a specific topic or key words.

Follow the links below to submit your blog's URL to some of the web's most popular search engines:





Let the people of the world know that you have a blog!